Editorial Design — 2021

history of art in the metro


The mandate for this project was to showcase all of the art in the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) in book form.

Mockup of book


The mandate for this project was to find a way to showcase the art in the STM metro stations nicely. The difficult part was deciding how to organize all of the info, whether it be in chronological order or by metro line/stations. It was also important to figure out where to include the architects' info.

Gif of book going through spreads


Initially, I had all of the architecture content paired with the imagery which made the pages looked quite cluttered. Halfway through, I decided to take a step back and simplify things by leaving all of the extra info at the end, in the Annex section.


I am very satisfied with the results. It is a simple and straightforward book but I made sure to play around with my grid to create some more captivating spreads/chapter dividers as opposed to keeping everything symmetrical.